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silicone vs. plastic

Silicone VS. Plastic: Which One is Better?

The debate of silicone vs. plastic is at its peak these days as more people are now concerned about the safety of the earth. However, there isn’t a perfect answer to settle the debate. Silicone is considered to be a suitable alternative to plastic in many ways. 

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injection molding

What is Injection Molding?

Injection molding is at the very heart of modern manufacturing. This manufacturing process is highly effective at producing large numbers of identical parts. It is the go-to process for many consumer plastic products. The concept of injection molding is simple but the execution is a complex engineering fete that often requires many steps and considerations.

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Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE): A Definitive Guide

In the dynamic landscape of material science, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) stands out in the crowd because of its wonderful application that has transformed various industries. Commonly renowned for its brand name Teflon, this synthetic material has a rigid polymer chain structure. It is also known as a high-performance polymer based on its exceptional material properties.

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compression molding

What is Compression Molding?

Compression molding was first used for molding rubber but the range of materials it works with has greatly expanded since then. Many items around you were made using compression molding, and it can still be an excellent manufacturing solution for you today.

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reaction injection molding

Reaction Injection Molding (RIM): What is It?

Reaction injection molding or RIM is an increasingly popular process that makes use of low-viscosity liquid polymers to produce plastic parts. Despite the similarities in the name and use of molds, RIM is not the same as injection molding. The RIM process can produce parts similar to injection molding, but it can also produce parts with properties that injection molding cannot attain.

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post processing steps (1)

7 Post-processing Steps in Injection Molding

Injection molding is a complex process that transforms plastic material into versatile products. It all starts in the high-pressure environment of an injection molding machine where thermoplastic is melted and injected into a precisely designed cavity. But the creation of a flawless part doesn’t end as it cools; it begins a series of critical post-processing steps. 

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compression deflection

What Is Compression Deflection?

In the intricate world of material selection for industrial applications, the term ‘compression deflection’ emerges as a cornerstone for understanding how materials behave under pressure. It’s a factor that can determine the lifespan and efficacy of a gasket, the comfort of a cushion, and even the durability of a structural component. 

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injection molding vs. thermoforming

Choosing the Right Process: Injection Molding or Thermoforming

So, you have the vision and the design of a fantastic new product that can revolutionize how people work, play, and live. And now you are wondering what manufacturing process to use to turn your brilliant idea into physical reality. That’s where you come across two popular methods such as injection molding and thermoforming.

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cycle time

5 Strategies for Reducing Cycle Time in Injection Molding 

In the injection molding industry, time is money. And you can keep hold of this money by reducing the cycle time. It might seem tricky to optimize cycle time, but learning some strategies helps you achieve this goal successfully. Cycle time optimization is essential because it reduces overall production costs while letting you stay ahead in the market.

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tire materials

Selecting Alternative Tire Materials to Address Natural Rubber Scarcity

The tire industry is the largest user of natural rubber, accounting for over 90% of total global production. Natural rubber production, on the other hand, contributes to deforestation in the Amazon basin and around the world because rubber trees require a tropical or subtropical environment with at least 47 inches of rainfall per year and no frost.

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